Our Partners


Alive by Raintree Athletic Club provides our members with great deals and discounts at local businesses throughout the Fort Collins and greater Northern Colorado community. Simply mention you are a current member at Alive by Raintree Athletic Club or show your RAC Smart Phone App during your visit at the businesses listed in our directory below and you’ll receive the discount listed!

Know a local business who would be interested in coming on board? For more information on how you can get started, and other perks of joining the Business Partner program, contact our Community Rep, Nikki Halvorsen at nikkih@alivebyraintree.com.

*Please Note: We do not endorse any specific products and/or services listed on our business partner directory. These businesses would like to offer all Alive by Raintree and Raintree Athletic Club members an exclusive discount on their products and/or services. Raintree Athletic Club is simply advertising these discounts to you on our websites, in directory format and on a featured business partner of the month advertisement on our flat screen slide shows.

New Patient Chiropractic Exam & Treatment, $40 ($100 value)

$50 gift card upon initial order of at least $50

Thank you for your interest in joining our Team. To apply for a position at ALIVE by Raintree Athletic Club, please print a copy of our cover letter and application. We accept completed applications on Wednesday from 9:00am - 11:00am and Thursday from 1:00pm - 3:00pm.